22 September, 2012

Kanonkul i Varberg

I found this great sketch over at Pagemaps and wanted to make something of it. I added some other elements for balance, still feels a bit heavy on one side in my eyes. I couldn’t figure out why so I gave up and called it done.


We had a lovely day by the sea in Varberg together with my mother in law, sister in law and the kids cousin. We strolled around the old fort and the kids loved the old cannons. They pretended to shoot pirates and the Eiffel tower (actually it was a crane far away but my son thinks cranes and those big power lines are the eiffel tower for some reason). There are some hidden journaling in the small pocket.

I must say I enjoy making LOs, I even had to get me a new album because I couldn’t close the one I had. I think I’ll just keep my LOs in the order I make them. I think I’ll like looking at them later and se how my style changes over time. Do you sort yours by theme or in chronoligical order or in some other way? I never thought I’d get enough LOs to have to worry about sorting them, but look at me now. Making LOs all the time. I’m glad I can save some memories for the kids to look at as they grow up.

1 comment :

Ywonne said...

Fiiint...Det syns verkligen att det är ett glatt minne.Ha det bra !

Santa mermaid

Today the Chibitronics team has the great pleasure to collaborate with Waffle Flower . They make the most unique stamps, and I fell in love ...